141 IQ Rich Vos Review

Comedy Album 141 IQ Rich Vos Review

Recently, one of our favorite comedians released an album that reached iTunes top 10 in comedy. Decided to pick it up and have a listen. Here is our 141 IQ Rich Vos Review.

Known for being one of the hardest working and seasoned comedians touring to this day; Rich Vos will always be working on his act at a prestigious comedy club near you.

Influencing a new generation of comedians, Rich Vos has crafted his act for more than three decades.

We discovered Rich during his internet radio appearances on the Cringe Humor Radio station in the 2000’s, and his viral Def Comedy Jam White Guy Appearance on Youtube, his years of work then got him a seat as a regular in the Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn show on Comedy Central.

141 IQ marks his 4th comedy album (that we know of). Here is a brief discography of Rich Vos’ productions:

Vos DVD via Discogs

141 IQ is a very simple comedy album from start to finish. Clear and precise comedy, it keep you on track throughout it’s story telling in a conversationally engaging comedy show. Any person with a cynical point of view will appreciate Rich’s way of delivering his jokes and talking to the audience.

Rich has developed an act that separates himself from the norm of comedy albums. 141 IQ captures a fleeting moment in his act rather than a large production intended for a recording. You will hear Rich working his material and the crowd to show listeners what his comedy club appearances are all about.

There is no meandering in his act, he speaks directly to the attendees present in the recording.

The particular show gets you in on the fun. It was recorded at the Stand, a notorious comedy club that has emerged in the New York Comedy Scene.

You can purchase the album on Amazon for $8.99 for about an hour of comedy gold in audio format.



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