Comedian John Vargas

5 interview Questions with Comedian John Vargas

Comedian John Vargas is a regularly working performer in our city. He has had his name headline just about every comedy room in Miami and is considered one of our greats.

Featured many times at the South Beach Comedy Festival, and has been selected by the folks of Kevin Harts LOL productions, John Vargas performed to a full capacity room this past Saturday at the Open Stage Club.

This interview was supposed to be released before that event, as a method of campaigning the show; however, we were able to snap up some photos of the event and so we laid the interview along with photography.

1. What is it like for you starting your path as a comedian in a city like Miami?

Miami is a unique city...Its pretty like LA and it's gritty like NY...Its rich and poor all at the same gives an interesting perspective​
Comedian John Vargas

2. You moved many times to NYC and returned to Miami, what was the cause for it?

I moved to both NY and LA....I came back both times to be with my Son....sometimes the demand for you to be a Dad is greater than the demand to be a comedian
Comedian John Vargas

3. Working with you over the years, this site acknowledges you among the top 3 best comedians still in Miami, what is your comedic secret?

There is no "comedic secret"...It may be a polarizing opinion but I feel that comedic timing and talent is something you're born with...its a natural talent like singing or definitely have to work and mold that talent to be great, but there is an initial inclination to be good at specific things that you're just born with.​
Comedian John Vargas

4. What is the worst experience you've ever had on stage?

At FIU...Second show I ever did...I was doing some old bit about was completely silent during my performance and I heard a guy WHISPER to his girlfriend, "What the fuck is he talking about?"...The audience heard him clearly and his line ended up being the funniest thing that was said all night.​
Comedian John Vargas

5. What is your favorite joke, by whom, and why?

Patrice O'Neal - Bears & Honey Covered Salmon at the workplace. That bit incorporates so many different aspects of writing and performance that I try to emulate into one smooth free flowing idea...It's just incredibly impressive​

These photos were taken during the Have Nots Comedy Show at the Open Stage Club. One of the longest running comedy productions in Miami, catch comedians like John Vargas and many others in a full dining restaurant and bar. Tickets available below.

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