About Laugh Night: Brickell Comedy Night with Wil Sylvince and Kyle Grooms

Every once in a while, Miami Comedy rides the wave of promotions to bring a special guest appearance of comedians in our city. Brickell Comedy Nights with Wil Sylvince we did just that.

These shows are specifically made for those who are fans of laughing, and are savvy in who are the great working comedians making crowds laugh multiple times on a nightly basis.

There is a large underbelly of New York Comedy Club circuits, and one name rings often, the name Wil Sylvince.

Known for his multiple appearances as a host and feature for the infamous Comedy Cellar; as well as his HBO, Showtime and Comedy Central roles; Wil Sylvince did a string of comedy shows in Brickell.

Starting with brief appearances at the Redbar and Sweet Caroline, Wil did an entire hour of his show at the Craftsman in Brickell.

This was one unforgettable night, I would explain more on this blog post, but I'll let the photos do all the explaining.

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