About Laugh Night: Photos from Providores and Publicans 5-17-17

This show is having a massive multiplier effect. This was our 7th week of Comedy Night Providores and Publicans and it keeps getting better and better! Each show the attendance grows, the acts get better and people are realizing just how great the food is from Tino's Kitchen. And ofcourse, all Miami Comedy Members and attendees get a free drink!

This week we featured comedian Clyde Gordon and Ridiculous Nicolas. Known for their work in South Florida and Beyond. This was by far one of the best shows we've produced so far and it is now recorded in this blog post. Check out these photos. I'm working on getting together a best of Comedy Night at Providores and Publicans clip so stay tuned for that.

And, if you haven't done so, be sure to RSVP to our next event by clicking the button below. It's Free!​

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