Before Dreading the Summer Body Season

Before Dreading the Summer Body Season

The Summer body season is upon us. Miami Beach will call upon the people of toned physique, while I stand looking confused with a rice crispies treat in my hand. We all knew this day would come. But before you dread the Summer Body Season, lets take a look past all the orange and dive into the nooks and crannies of all those chiseled abs.

The Objective of a Summer Body

Summertime is when these dedicated few can show their triumph to the world. However, the beach or a pool is pretty much the only place you can be shirtless. Any other place is pretty much inappropriate. There’s no need to take off your shirt at your boys bbq cookout while his wife and kids are around.

Why its Hard to Get a Summer Body by June

Every year ends with family oriented holidays. In these events, you eat to the point where the food coma is an out of body experience. Thats when you will most likely decide to start losing weight by next year.

Then you get motivated to start eating healthy, and spend all your food budget on fruits and vegetables. Then wake up on January 2nd asking yourself how you’re going to manage eating all these fruits and vegetables. You may actually start to lose weight, not because of your new diet, but because you didn’t want to eat none of that shit.

Next thing you know, you’re grilling up a whole lechon and convince yourself its healthy because there’s an organic apple in its mouth.

The Fantasy of a Summer Body

I always imagined my fit body rolling around the sand with a hot model like I was in a Chris Isaak video.

In reality, to maintain a fit body requires a lot of work. Counting calories is one task I cannot get my head around. There’s no way my appetite will not allow me to look at nutritional facts and start getting into mathematics before a meal.

Or going to a restaurant and you have to request for a SEPARATE menu with the healthy food options. Then you get that look from everyone when you ask for the Mandarin Salad.

No one should go into a scenario when the waiter comes out with all the food serving out burgers, nachos and pitchers of beer and then announces “whos this Mandarin Salad for?”

You Deserve Your Summer Body

After writing up this post, I would just like to say…

If you have your Summer Body, I won’t hate. You did it. You went above and beyond everything I mentioned.

If you see me at the beach, you can take your shirt off in slow motion and rub sunscreen on your pecks while looking me dead in the eye.

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