Extend your Long Weekend with Free Movie Passes during Redbar Comedy Night

Starting off your Long Weekend Right: Free Comedy Show, Free Movie Tickets, Complimentary Drinks...

Tonight at the Redbar Comedy Night we are happy to announce that there will be free passes to the movie "The Foreigner" with Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.

I actually look forward to this movie as I am a fan of both actors and it's exciting to see these two collaborating in an action flick.

Apart from the free movie passes, the Redbar Comedy Night is also a great choice to fully extend the fun of a long weekend.

Free Admissions, No Cover, and a complimentary drink for our members.

You never know who's going to drop in to perform during the Redbar Comedy Night.

But we are expecting PLENTY of folks to get a hold of these movie passes.

So be sure to RSVP to tonights event to get the long weekend started right!

PS: Be prepared for our awesome comedy event next Wednesday (October 18th) at the Blue Martini. We will be announcing our professional line up shortly. Keep an eye on your inbox.

Have a great week!

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