How to Flirt With a Tall Girl in Miami

How to Flirt with a Tall Girl in Miami

You have a very special ambition inside of you if you’ve ever flirted with a tall girl. For some it can be a daunting task to walk into a nightclub and the dance floor is full of high heels, and it feels like you’ve stumbled into a WNBA after party. It really isn’t as difficult as it may seem, as a matter of fact, there are some that prefer dating taller women because they keep you on your toes – literally.

The best thing you can do is not even mention it. Maybe on the initial contact, to get the obvious out of the way. Lean back your head and ask if you can buy her a drink. Grab the drink umbrella and say you may need it in case she spills it while dancing.

Many guys will suggest to put on an attire that makes you appear taller. Like a top hat and platform shoes. You might as well be on stilts and walk around the club like its a goddamn parade.

It all comes down to comfort with the height gap. Interpret the whole thing to your liking. Make her feel like a model instead of chaperoning a toddler. Unless you’re into that sort of fetish roleplaying.

Most girls have a preference to date taller guys, anything else would make HER uncomfortable. Keep in mind this is mostly by evolution and later became a social taboo, because you no longer have to pick the fruit from the tree. If she tries to make you uncomfortable about your height, that’s on her.

I remember in junior high school a girl said yes to me taking her to the prom. We were having a great time until everyone lined up to take photos. She thought she was going to appear taller on the photo and started ducking her head. The photo resulted in her looking like she had spinal problems. Looking at the photo today, its funny to see how she was catastrophizing the whole thing. I should of asked the photographer to snap a close up of my face as I kneeled next to her hips.

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