Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show

Full Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show Line up

The coffee will pour, the ambiance will shine in a dim lit comedy club environment, and the spotlight will feature 4 aspiring comedians as they put their craft front and center. This is what Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show is all about, a coming together of people pursuing the American Dream. 

Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show Tickets Now on Sale.

The line up has become a unique combination of performers. Whenever we at Miami Comedy produce a show, we always like switching it up, and offering our members unique experiences for laughs. From the venue, to the line up, to the value of satisfaction after every show.

Click here to purchase your tickets to the Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show Saturday Sept 3rd, 9pm.

Willonius Hatcher

This special event started off with the announcement of Willonius Hatcher. An accomplished comic who has worked in numerous solo project and built himself up to become a great entertainer in many mediums: author, stand up comedian, youtube personality, trap rapper, and superb story teller.

Manny Garavito

Not to be skewed towards bias, but this guy is a pretty damn good performer, easy on the eyes too. He’s developed a comedy style that flips from the low brow to high brow all on the same punchline. Managing to segue between how dick pics effect the economy within 15 seconds.

Oscar Collazos

Originally from Miami, Oscar moved on to New York to grow himself as a comedian. In turn, he managed to win $7,000 from a recent Seminole Casino Comedy Competition with his sharpened comedy upbringing. Oscar has dropped in on the South Florida comedy scene every once in a while and has delivered exceptionally every time. This show will be no different.

Mike Atcherson

Spill The Beans Comedy Show

One of the rising stars of the area, and host of the Spill the Beans Comedy Show at the Undergrounds Coffeehaus. Mike is dedicated to being a household name, and so far he’s on a roll. Mike has labored his way to being an optimal performer every time he steps foot on a stage. Talented in working the crowd and assuring everyone is having a great time every time he hosts an event.

About the Venue – Undergrounds Coffeehaus

Top 5 comedy shows this weekend

Undergrounds Coffeehaus is a used book store, a hangout, a place to enjoy coffee & people. No flourescent lights here – table lamps, sofa’s, comfy chairs and red walls.

We also have light food fare including: desserts, GOURMET tater tots over forty (40) flavors, mini pizza’s, hot pretzels, cookies, pound cakes, pies and more. We offer specialty espresso based drinks as well as basic coffee. Having a full loose leaf tea menu, you can mix your teas and try something new. Undergrounds is like going to Grandma’s minus the mothballs.

-Undergrounds Coffeehaus website.

Click here to purchase your tickets to the Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show Saturday, Sept 3rd 9pm.

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