Visiting Wynwood in Your 40s

A Guide to Visiting Wynwood in your 40s

So you're getting older. You still have original vinyl presses of your favorite bands before anyone knew about them, and you appreciate the art of your paisley silk pajamas that you got from your ex wife. It's time to show these youngsters what vintage is really all about. Here's a guide to visiting Wynwood in your 40s.

Older People Can Still Be Cool

Don't be thrown by creative differences, or be taken aback when you step foot into a Wynwood bar by all the tattoos and flashy outfits. The demographic of Wynwood is like the internet but in real person. Remember that 80's TV show you used to like called Weird Science. Where some young teens designed the perfect girl on a computer and she came to life? This is the exact same thing, but instead they designed it for themselves.

Older people can be full of facts, knowledge and even fashion. Wear some authentic leather shoes, throw on a fedora and smoke a pipe and at your age it will be completely acceptable. The bartenders will probably pay extra attention to you over the crowd because they might think you're conducting a food and beverage audit.

Your Critique On Art Can Be Taken Seriously

You ever hear an older person start yelling in public and everyone reacts. You too can take advantage of this acquired ability when you look at an art piece and yell out "what the hell is this crap?"

If you'd like to take it up an extra level, pull some funds out of your 401k plan and start investing on art pieces over Art Basel weekend. People will be in absolute shock that you are among the few that actually buys artwork to hang in your own home.

Craft Beer Is A Very Particular Category

Your knowledge of Craft Beer is very important to blend in with the young'ns. People are going to look at you funny if you thought ordering a Bud Lite Lime was craft beer. Just say IPA or Stout and you're already halfway to making a valid choice. Don't order any sweet ciders, keep in mind your blood pressure.

If the beer tap handle has a crate, barrel, or anything wooden in its design, and the ABV is at 6% or above, thats a solid choice.

The Wynwood Nightlife Is More Welcoming

The best thing about going out to Wynwood on the weekend is that it's not a MASSIVE turnup like for example South Beach. Most people just walk around from bar to bar, looking at artwork so you get to have a brisk walk like your doctor suggested.

When you walk into a venue, people are usually sitting somewhere on a bench, and best of all everything closes right before 3am. So it can seem like your a wise nightowl, but you can still get home at a decent time.

Ask People About Their Band T Shirts

Great conversation starter. Just go up to that person and say I like your Van Halen Shirt. Then follow up by asking if they prefer Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth and watch their eyes glaze over.

There is no better way to make friends than sharing musical preferences. And sometimes these opportunities can be the best way where you realize people really put in an opportunity to appreciate the era you came from. And what a time it is to be alive in your 40's.

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