Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show

Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show 2016

Labor Day Weekend is the perfect moment to celebrate the working class with Stand Up Comedy. We here at Miami Comedy are planning a special weekend show where you can take a load off and make the weekend extra long. Here are some ideas we have for a Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show.

Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show


So far we have two shows in the works…

Friday Sept 2nd 8pm

Saturday Sept 3rd 9pm


Undergrounds Coffeehaus

3020 N Federal Hwy #5a

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

We think this would be the ideal location to hold a special event. The backroom to this venue is perfect for stand up comedy. If you’ve been here before, you know what we mean…

Plenty of free parking in the plaza, and an assorted collection of coffee house crafts.


This is where most of the planning is coming about, we are always looking for a creative line up for these kinds of special events; as well as giving the local comedy scene a fair chance at getting featured.

As we come closer to the long weekend we will be making announcements from the line up and special guest appearances.

Stay tuned!

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