Miami Comedy Brings Back The Craftsman Comedy Night

We're happy to announce that the Craftsman Comedy Night format returns to Wednesday nights.

In case you aren't familiar about this show, The Craftsman Comedy Night is a very special stage in Brickell.

It showcases all sorts of live entertainment, however, Wednesday nights was the ideal spot for headlining comedians to stop by and perform for the Miami locals.

But now, we bring back the old format, where you'll see a showcase of working local comedians from Miami presenting you with a variety show.

This will range from new material, topical material and roasts. Anything we can think of that will add surprising twists to the Miami Comedy scene.

For example, let's say a full house of attendees will want to see comics talking about what's been happening in the news recently.

Or if a birthday comes around and you'd like to create a roast for them.

We may even have a few comics battling each other for your viewing pleasure. There is so much to do with such a special stage like this in our neighborhood.

So stay tuned as we continue to grow the kind of comedy experiences you like to enjoy into a more advance and entertaining level.

We are also bringing back the Two-For-One special to most of our productions at The Craftsman Comedy Night.

Click below to see what we have in store!

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