Downtown Comedy Lounge

Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week

From Doral, to South Beach, to Downtown Miami. Here are the best Miami Comedy Shows happening this week. Also keep an eye for all the specials during showtime. AND at the bottom we've included the best video clips of the week for you to preview all the fun happening in our events.

Top 3 Comedy Shows Happening During The Week


#LAUGHPARTY at Ricky's in South Beach

Rickys in South Beach

TUESDAYS, March 7th 9:30pm
Ricky's in South Beach
1222 16th St,
Miami Beach, FL 33139


SPECIALS (5pm - 7pm Happy Hour)

  • $6 Cocktails 
  • Food Menu items from $2-$5

Getting the best comedy during a Tuesday night will soon be a therapeutic recommendation. Picture it, great people, big laughs and plenty of cocktails - in South Beach. A great combination of circumstances for a successfully fun Tuesday night venture.


Comedy Night At Biscayne Bay Brewery

Comedy Shows Happening this Week

TUESDAYS, March 7th 8pm
Biscayne Bay Brewery
8000 NW 25th St #500,
Doral, FL 33122


  • FREE CRAFT BEER (RSVP and Arrive before 8:30pm)
  • $1 Tacos added to the menu during showtime! (NEW)

Want to keep it even more local and lowkey? Here is your comedy night. Located in Doral, Cisco Duran known for his various television appearances fixes up a showcase for the folks looking to hang out at a craft beer bar. The Biscayne Bay Brewing Company also hooks up our members for RSVP'ing in advance and arriving before showtime. Want more awesomeness to this event? $2 Tacos are now on their awesome menu during comedy nights.


Downtown Comedy Lounge

Downtown Comedy Lounge

Downtown Comedy Lounge Vapor Life
27 SE 1st Ave,
Miami, FL 33131


  • FREE BEER (RSVP and Arrive by before 9PM)
  • $25 Vapor Hookahs

This Vapor Shop in Downtown Miami is the future of our comedy scene. The attic is being completely renovated for the ultimate comedy experience. Check out special guest drop ins to this venue as well. Brand new time slot added! We now do our Wednesday night events at 9pm. RSVP in advance and get a free beer from the owners Craft Beer Keg of the Week!

Last Weeks Best Miami Comedy Video Clips

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