• Annie Lederman soaking in the South Beach Culture

    Annie Lederman soaking in the South Beach Culture

Photography for Wednesday Night Live 12-14-16

Here are some amazing photos from our previous Wednesday Night Live show at Drinkhouse Fire and Ice.

Wednesday Night Live Photography 12-14-16

This show was one of the most original and hilarious events that happened for one night only in South Beach. How can we tell? Because everybody was in on the show from beginning to end. It was just one of those moments where everyone was enjoying punchline after punchline of superb storytelling.

It was a hour and a half moment where it really did feel like you were inside of a New York comedy club: the topics were original, personalities were authentic and the laughter was through the roof!

Join us for our next event in 2017.

These photos were taken by Carolyn Birmingham Boyer representing her company Yes and Photography!


Live and Orginal comedy show in South Beach bringing in the people from LA, NY and the working locals of MIA. Plenty of cocktails and an ICE BAR AFTER-PARTY. Tickets Available Now!

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