Redbar Comedy Night 12-3-18

Mondays are now a part of the weekend thanks to our productions at The Redbar Comedy Night.

This is the only location in Brickell that offers live entertainment and Two-For-One Drinks when you RSVP in advance.

If you're wondering what kind of show we've got for you here, picture it as a variety show.

We offer a showcase of some of the working comedians of Miami for your weekly pleasure.

This is the ultimate excuse to go out on a Monday and grab a drink.

This event also offers you a wristband that you can wear and cuts your bill in half.

The Two-For-One Drinks wristband is how we offer you a discount on your drink tab.

Click below to purchase your Two-For-One Drinks Wristband.

Hey there! Any questions? Click Here to start texting us!