Spill the Beans Comedy Show

Spill The Beans Comedy Show

      • Spill the Beans Comedy Show is located at the backroom of Coffee bar, feels like a traditional small Comedy Club
      • Undergrounds Coffeehaus is a bookstore coffee shop in Broward serving assortments of coffee in a laidback setting
      • Comedian Mike Atcherson hosts the show presenting the best local showcase of working comedians
      • Room seats only 40 people and has FREE drip coffee during showtime
      • Every Fourth Saturday of the month – $5 Cover



Broward county has officially discovered an Underground Comedy Club located in the back room of Underground Coffeehaus.

Keeping it a secret for true comedy lovers of Broward

This show was hosted by Manchester’s very own Lew Fitz inside a venue with about 40 seats, a spot light, and a very low ceiling – giving it a particularly special environment for stand up comedy. Now comedian Mike Atcherson has taken hosting duties to further expand the success of Spill the Beans.

The Comedy Line Up is Reserved for the Working Comic

The showcase features comedians of South Florida that seek a venue to practice the craft of stand up comedy. This room is so intimate, that the stand up comedy appears more like it’s a practice run for hilarious public speaking to a classroom.

The Comedians chosen for the the lineups, is handpicked and selected of those that would rather work on their craft on a weekend night, than to be out partying.

Undergrounds Coffeehaus is a Beautiful Gem in Broward

Located inside a strip on 3020 N Federal Hwy.

The Undergrounds Coffeehaus always has an incredible assortment of teas, coffees and artisan tater tots. It has been featured on 7 News, and has a schedule for live arts of all sorts. The main room kind of looks like a living room playing TV shows and movies with walls of bookshelves and it really makes you feel like home.

So if you’re from Broward or you find yourself in Broward, and you like to get some good laughs on a Saturday night – without having to go all out, be sure to check out spill the beans comedy show every Fourth Saturday of every month featuring some great comedy, coffee and teas.

You’ll go home happy.

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