Top 2 Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week

Top 2 Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week

The weekdays before Thanksgiving is like having the week off. Especially at night. You've got to prepare those laugh muscles for that great meal, we suggest working in some belly laughs, because this week we are presenting to you TWO great comedy night in Miami BEFORE the Thanksgiving Feast! Here are the Top 2 Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week.

Top 2 Miami Comedy Shows Happening This Week



Top 2 Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week

WEDNESDAY, November 22nd 8:00pm
Drinkhouse Fire and Ice
1672 Collins Ave
Miami Beach, FL 33139

Ticket Packages starting at $16.65+

This is the big one. The Thanksgiving eve show happening in Miami's ONLY Ice Bar: Drinkhouse Fire and Ice. This lounge always has a calendar full of great events, and once a month we partner up with this great venue to present some of the greats to perform. The reason why we say the greats? Well we have quite the track record of bringing in some amazing comedians you will only see during the weekends at comedy clubs and theaters, but they perform here on a Wednesday during their nights off. So do not wait! Because of the upcoming holiday, we strongly suggest getting your tickets in advance for this VIP and exclusive comedy experience in the heart of Miami Beach. Click Below to purchase your tickets!



Top 2 Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week

Redbar Brickell
52 SW 10th St,
Miami, FL 33130

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    Complimentary Drink for each RSVP!

Looking to get your Monday Night outing before the holiday week? Well here is the answer, cost effective, fun, and full of surprise special guests. This is our ongoing show to take away those Monday Night blues, and get the weekdays started on the right track. All attendees that are on the RSVP list will always get their first round of drinks on us. Click below and we'll see you there!

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