Top 3 Miami Comedy Shows Happening this Week

Welcome to another week in Miami. I hope you find Monday's to be the best time of the week, as I do.

The month of November is upon us, and I feel like its the ladder right before we slide down December and into the New Year. 

Every one is in the Holiday spirit, and I can't blame them. I like celebrating the Holidays as soon as possible!

We're down to the final few weeks of 2018, and I am setting up some more events where you can choose and enjoy a night out of live stand up comedy shows.

Have a drink or two, get all warm and fuzzy, because we are spreading Holiday cheers all over the city.

Choose any of the showtimes below and get our special Two-For-One drinks wristband to save you on the bar tab!

Top 3 Miami Comedy Shows Happening This Week


Redbar Comedy Night

Redbar Comedy Night

Monday, November 5th, 9:00pm

Redbar Brickell

52 SW 10th St,
Miami, FL 33130

Last week we had the infamous Kirk McHenry come into the city of Miami and really leaving a hilarious impression on the locals. I have more special guests coming your way! Join us and get your two-for-one drinks wristband to split your bar tab in half!


Sweet Caroline Comedy Night

Tuesday, November 6th, 9:00pm

Sweet Caroline Bar

1111 SW 1st Ave #107,
Miami, FL 33130

Sweet Caroline Comedy Night is the time of the week where the Brickell locals gather at one of the best bars emerging in the area. Each of our shows here have an extra charm to them. Join us on this intimate evening of laughs and get your Two-For-One drinks wristband here too!


Rudy Wilson Birthday Comedy Show

Rudy Wilson Bday

Wednesday, November 7th, 9:00pm

The Craftsman

900 S Miami Ave Suite 135,
Miami, FL 33130

If you haven't heard, Rudy Wilson is one of the fastest rising comedy stars in Miami. One of our main characters in our upcoming documentary. Here is your chance to celebrate a birthday party (yes you're invited), and get some seats to see Rudy as a local before he blows up to become something big!

Hey there! Any questions? Click Here to start texting us!