Ultimate Miami Comedian 2018

The Ultimate Miami Comedian is one of Miami's most revered comedy competition. Occurring only once a year, Stage 305 inside the Magic City Casino was a blend of intensity, excitement, and hilarities as some of the hardest working comedians of Miami took the stage.

The first round of the Ultimate Miami Comedy Competition came down to six comedians doing ONLY 3 minutes of material, which is a VERY short amount of time to win the audience over.

However, as a spectator, the comedians really did bring their A-game.

This was one of the closest Ultimate Miami Competitions I've ever witnessed, comedians were head to head with some of the best performances I've seen from the local comedy scene that left the audience on the edge of their seats while the judges made their decisions.

Miami Ultimate Comedian 2018
Miami Ultimate Comedian 2018
Miami Ultimate Comedian 2018
Miami Ultimate Comedian 2018

The Ultimate Miami Comedian of 2018

This years $5,000 prize was awarded to Comedian Christopher Priester the Teacher. 

Christopher's material really touched upon what some of the teachers of our schooling system must be thinking, and what some parents are doing behind closed doors.

Clever and loud, Christopher was really on point. The laughs poured in from the large venue at Stage 305.

Every year, Ultimate Miami crowns the winners (and makes them very rich) for categories such as Ultimate Bartender, and Drag Queen.

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