Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show

Willonius Hatcher performing Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show

Miami Comedy is putting together a great line up for our next production. With the next work holiday around the corner, we are announcing our first performer for the Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show: Willonius Hatcher!

Willonius Hatcher performing Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show

Willonius Hatcher aka Willie Dynamite, aka Yung Dick is a busy entertainer. Developing his craft on stage and online for over a decade.

Will works on making viral music videos under different aliases and performs on stage with music, stand up routines and off the cuff story telling. His recent appearance at the Spill the Beans Comedy Show made him a smash hit with the audience.

Willonius Hatcher
Willie Dynamite killing it without getting up via Mr Rogers story telling technique.

Online Appearances

Will has a variety of online videos displaying his ability to piece together musical tracks with some of the funniest trap lyrics under the alias Yung Dick.

Here is his recently produced music video for Cougar with comedian Pam Bruno.

Drive Thru Love was made for the folks who still enjoy a good Chopped n Screwed tune.

As an Author

Will is also the Author of Look Like a Man, Act like a Bitch. Introducing itself as “The most important book since the Bible.”

Here is a brief description:

Not merely a collection of good ideas, this epic book spells out the 10 essential principles used by successful individuals throughout history. Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will transform your life beyond your wildest dreams! Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of about ballers, shot callers, and even Kanye West, Look Like A Man Act Like A Bitch™ will give you the proven blueprint you need to achieve any goal you set your mind to.

Willonius Hatcher Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show Willonius Hatcher Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show

Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show 2016

You can catch Willonius headlining our Saturday show for Labor Day Weekend.


Saturday August 27th, 9pm


Undergrounds Coffeehaus
3020 N Federal Hwy #5a,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

Tickets are now on sale for just $12.Photo Aug 27, 4 37 41 PM

Click Here to Get Tickets to the Labor Day Weekend Comedy Show 2016

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