- Miami Comedy and the FIU Social Media Association together formed #MiamiGetSocial
- Fundraiser for Syrian Crisis via #IGiveLight campaign
- Roundtable Discussions on Hot Topics of Social Media and where it’s headed to in the future
- Stand Up Comedians Manny Garavito, John Gregory, Regina Castaneda and Freddy Stebbins took the stage
- Comedy and Business go hand in hand to get everyone sharing the joy of laughter
On February 24th 2016 we’ve made a great discovery. We discovered that stand up comedy and a business networking event go hand in hand.
Especially to bring everybody together to talk about Social Media. And to raise funds for a good cause.

Dr. Nancy Richmond, a Social Media professor at FIU, along with Maria De Los Angeles and Flamingo Theater Bar; got together with Alison Thompson of Third Wave Volunteers to make Miami Get Social one of the most beneficial events for Social Media and Fundraising.
And this year, they added a little comedy to the mix.

There were three rounds of round table discussions happening at the event. Each round table had its own topic on one aspect of social media.
Every discussion was about how this piece of information can move forward into the future industry of social media. Many speakers in the field of marketing, media, tech and entrepreneurs joined in all the interchanging of ideas.
After the discussions, four local comedians took the stage to make the audience laugh more in a VERY social setting.
The performers were: Manny Garavito, John Gregory, Regina Castaneda and Freddy Stebbins.

This was an unforgettable night where everything fell into place and made a lasting memory on a Wednesday Night.

To view all the photo’s that were taken; head over to our Instagram page: www.instagram.com/miamicomedy
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