Miami Comedy Newsletter

Miami Comedy Digital Newsletter

This newsletter is to continue providing you with some comedy relief for the locals.

Some of the content we create is from me, our comedy community, and some comedians to look out for.

I also slide in some tangible goods like t shirts and Amazon recommendations.

If you'd like to see the next level that we have planned for Miami Comedy, be sure to contribute to our GoFundme.

Once we reach our goal, we'll plan a special comedy event for all its contributors once this whole thing blows over.

In the meantime, here is your digital newsletter dedicated to all the locals who love to laugh!

Miami Comedy Newsletter


Miami Comedy Podcast 7-4-20
Happy 4th of July

Recent Episode

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Voice message

The recent episode of the Miami Comedy Podcast was recorded more "formally" via Zoom so we can make it an event for comedy fans to get  together on the conversations. If you have any ideas on how to bring this show to the next level, join us! We talk about current events, local news, and anything you want to! If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.


Miami Meme of the Week

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Sweltering #miamicomedy

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Recent Miami Comedy Writing Session

Everyday I go on live to talk to you about anything. You may just have something I can use on the stage (when we reopen again). This daily livestream is shown on IG, Facebook and Youtube. Have a great topic to present to the show? Plenty of regulars you can get to meet to contribute to the show. We go live daily at 6PM.


Comedy Clip of the Week

Check out Hanniibal Buress' recent special shot at the Olympia Theater here in Miami!


Miami Comedy Cupid
Virtual Speed Dating + Comedy Event

Miami Comedy Cupid

Friday, July 17th, 7:00pm

Are you single and think the dating pool in Miami needs some work? Well, this event we're doing to survey what its like dating in Miami! We'll take a deep digital dive and discuss your frustrations and expectations on the kinds of people you would like to date here locally. Fellas we bring the ladies for you to converse with, just $10 to join ($15 the day of) and free for the ladies!


Miami Comedy Podcast LIVE Recording

Miami Comedy Podcast

Saturday July 11th, 7:00pm

We're really gaining some traction in the popularity of our podcast, and I'd like to invite you in being a part of the livestream. Every Saturday starting at 7PM we're going live to record the podcast in front of a live (digital) audience. These will be short and sweet and you can ask questions during the recordings to be included! Its free to attend! Click above to register.


Donate to the Miami Comedy Comeback


T Shirts Now Available

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