Miami Comedy Interview with Comedian Kevin Shea

In preparation  for our very special Presidents Day Miami Comedy show in Brickell; I met up with our featured performer: Comedian Kevin Shea.

We were lucky to have this interview streaming on Facebook Live inside the greenroom of the Palm Beach Improv.

AND best of all, we had a surprise drop in with Dr. Ken Jeong during our interview and hyping up our event!

Kevin Shea is a talented stand up comedian from LA and even though his social media presence is not up to par with how talented of a performer he is, his credits make up for it.

Appearing multiple times on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, HBO's Down and Drity, NBC and Comedy Central. This is going to be a rare appearance in South Florida.

The Presidents Day Miami Comedy Show will be on Monday, Feb. 19th, 9PM at the Redbar in Brickell.

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