Miami Comedy Podcast 7-29-19 – Addiction

Here's something I want to share with the readers of Miami Comedy.

I was once addicted to video games. Still sorta am, but it's under control.

There are times when it's extra quiet, that I can still hear the voices of kids yelling at me through their Playstation headsets.

Just like any addiction, it starts off small.

Nintendo, Sega, Playstation.

But the real issues started when the internet was invented.

That's when you get to shoot people with imaginary guns and laugh at their anger of how much PWNage you've delivered to them.

That's when the addiction really took hold.

Some addicts have created great works of art, such as music and books.

Unfortunately a video game addiction gives you new skins and map packs, never anything of real value haha.

Good times tho!

In this episode of the Miami Comedy Podcast we talk about getting a dopamine cleanse, addiction, risk, and procrastination.

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