Miami Comedy Podcast + Comedy Benefit for Haiti

Miami Comedy Podcast + Comedy Benefit for Haiti

With an amazing line up and support from the audiences, The Comedy Benefit for Haiti was a great success and really showed what such efforts actions can really do to make a difference. All donations were given to the people in need after Hurricane Matthew, including monetary, clothes, water and toys.

Performers Plus Pierre, Paul P, Khalil Phillips, Hennessy Williams and Kyle Grooms got together and really made the event one of a kind.

On todays podcast, we feature a few clips from the performers. We also announce an upcoming project with Mike Levine from the Comedy Inn as well as our upcoming Wednesday Night Live Show.

For future clips and announcements to the Miami Comedy Scene, click here to subscribe to our podcast.

Photography from Comedy Benefit for Haiti

Miami Comedy Podcast + Comedy Benefit for Haiti
Comedy Benefit for Haiti
Miami Comedy Podcast + Comedy Benefit for Haiti


Wednesday Night Live!

November 9th, 9pm

Drinkhouse Fire and Ice in South Beach​

Wednesday Night Live
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