Miami Comedy Podcast Santa’s Enchanted Forest, Nostalgia, and More

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did, ate plenty of food from my house and from many others. I do table tours on this special occasion.

If you're cooking, and you send me an invitation, I will be there. One thing about me is that I am not much of a picky eater, whatever your cooking up I will try!

And my stomach has PLENTY of free space now that I haven't drank any booze.

In case you don't know, I am one month away from being 100% alcohol free for the year of 2018. 

My conclusion: life is very boring without alcohol, but the discipline you learn is pretty darn useful.

I can stop myself from doing a lot of things, and the voice in your head that says "why you wanna go and do that love huh?" makes a lot more sense.

I end up in some of the most random alcohol free areas in Miami.

BTW Did you know Santa's enchanted forest is now alcohol free? They told me that there was too much violence in the past few years.

Makes sense, I mean if you post up a forest in Bird Road, close at 1am and have alcohol, its going down!

Speaking of the Holiday season...

Here are some of the events we've got going on this:

  1. Miami Comedy Show with Dustin Chafin Friday, Nov. 30th 8 and 10PM
  2. Our first ever Miami Christmas party on Friday Dec. 21st 9PM
  3. Kevin Shea comes to Miami for the New Years Weekend Dec. 10th 8 and 10PM

See you on the next episode!

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