Redbar Comedy Night Photography 4-10-17

On this gallery, we pieced together all of the fun(ny) happening in Brickell. This is the collection we created: Redbar Comedy Night Photography.

The above first photo, is a duo of attendees bringing a bag of bread to the comedy show. Nothing particularly important about that other than the kind of humor you can find at the Redbar Comedy Night. It's always fun to see new members coming to our shows right after a quick run to the grocery store!

Last night was so much fun. Brickell is really being the capital of comedy in Miami with the rise of Redbar Comedy Night and the upcoming Comedy Night at Providores and Publicans on Wednesdays.​

As always, we are seeking to find TRUE comedy fans in Miami that want to know where the REAL comedy scene is thriving. A comedy night run by passionate performers that know REAL comedy. We've got you covered.

RSVP below to join our next comedy night in Brickell and get yourselves some free drinks on us!​

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