First Annual LMAO Laugh My Art Off Art Basel Event pt 2
Second part to all the art featured on our First Annual LMAO Laugh My Art Off event at Shots in Wynwood; during Art Basel 2016.LAUGH MY ART OFF 2016 Renda…
Second part to all the art featured on our First Annual LMAO Laugh My Art Off event at Shots in Wynwood; during Art Basel 2016.LAUGH MY ART OFF 2016 Renda…
The first Annual Laugh My Art Off was held on November 29th at Shots in Wynwood. Live Comedy and Visual Arts collaborate during the Miami Art Basel 2016. Artists presented original…
On this video I met up with artist and comic book fan Alain Georges in his garage studio, where he gives us a preview of some of the work he…
In preparation for Art Basel, I interview Wynwood Artist Renda Writer about his artwork and past experience as an open mic emcee. Renda Writer will be a featured artist for our…
L.M.A.O is the first annual comedy themed art show where artists display their original creations of comedy artwork! Stand Up Comedy Intermission at 9pm with special guest appearances! All art pieces on display will be sold at a live auction to the attendees!