• Ricky's VIP Crew

    Ricky's VIP Crew

Valentines Night at Ricky’s Laugh Party Event

Valentine's night landed on a Tuesday, so Ricky's Laugh Party delivered one of the best live romantic comedies Miami has ever seen.

Plenty of couples appeared to get the laughs going because, in case you didn't know, taking your date to a comedy show will get you laid.​ It's science.

This past Valentines week was a big hit with local Miami, NYC and Canadian comedians making an appearance to perform.

Plus a very special guest came into the venue. Freddy Stebbins presented  the crowd with a Walter Mercado appearance. Reading astrological signs and handing out flowers to the couples - perhaps as a way to apologize for inaccurate clairvoyant readings.

Join us on the next Laugh Party and RSVP below!​

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