Funny Advertisements in Miami

For anyone taking in the Miami culture for the first time, look no further than the billboards above the Palmetto Expressway. Apparently all advertisers agree, if you want to get the attention of the masses, you have to get into their mindsets loins. We take a glimpse of popular ads all over the city and what they are implying. Here are some funny advertisements in Miami.


I admit one of my irrational fears is pulling a woman out of a burning building in Miami and my back gives out from all the butt baggage.

Considering the popular TV show Botched, where plastic surgeons depict the horrors of body sculpting; these can double as a public service announcement to not go through with it.716D38B1-691B-4A88-8727-939DE8E1CEBE0E70616A-37A5-45E4-BAA5-71FBCC9E9536


Here’s a photo of a McDonalds advertisement contributing to the road rage in your commute.

The irony about this ad – it’s priced exactly the same as the one way tolls that you would pay to take that highway. As if to say, hey how about rewarding yourself with an iced coffee after the 2 hour wait to the next exit.



Coveting your wife

Advertisers will go as far as eyeballing your wife in the comfort of their own office. This might as well say, “Better get your A/C fixed before she chills with someone else”.

Went through a recent divorce? – This one will hit home too.



This is the kind of thing you would see walking into a hotel room when you get catfished on a dating site.

The new ad is a current photo of himself with the same pose but at an elder age. Even after all these years, the fetish remains.




Sex sells

These ads prove how much money you can save for more important things like your child’s tuition, but at the price of their innocence.






If the one before wasn’t enough…(design added for dramatic effect).



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