Miami Comedian Cbas Mattar on Miami Housing

Miami Comedian Cbas Mattar understands what housing is like in Miami.

After his recent appearance in Amazon Prime video documentary Respect the Light, Cbas has made the efforts to move on up!

Prices in Miami are sky rocketing, but nothing can slow down determination to live well in the magic city.

In today's Miami Comedy Podcast, we look into the life and times of Miami Comedian Cbas to show you, you're not alone in what's happening when it comes to renting.

Cbas has gone from efficiency to apartment, from bad landlords, to moving in with a relative and girlfriend.

Whatever it takes to stay 305 til you die!

As things continue to grow and new projects are being embarked on, you can always count on Cbas to make an appearance as a stand up comedian.

Cbas is probably one of the hardest working comedians in the Miami Comedy scene to this day.

With daily appearances to all local events, hosting gigs, and working on the crowd and new material alike, you can expect to see him making his rounds in providing the laughs.

Be sure to subscribe to the Miami Comedy podcast to get your weekly dose of Miami Comedy news, updates, announcements and share the laughs.

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