Stepping up The Miami Text Game

Stepping Up the Miami Text Game

Most of the people I met in our wonderful city are texters. They get really upset if I call instead of text. Never being accustomed to having a conversation while texting, I decided to step up my Miami Text Game.

Phone Calls are too Direct

I realized a lot of the people I know in Miami are not really into taking phone calls. Its too in their face and people are usually busy. However, when I go straight to voicemail and I get a return SMS saying “busy, text me”, I know that they would rather multitask with their hands instead of with their mouths. The bluetooth earpiece is still a relevant piece of technology, but irrelevant display of fashion. No millennial will ever get caught with one of those on ever again. I blame douchey executives and men going through a middle aged crisis.

Miami Text Game: Personal Chat

Recently, I started sending more text messages to people and realized that this provokes a certain kind of behavior. When you start texting with a professional texter, one catch up of “hello” can lead to an ongoing back and forth conversation for the remainder of the day. As if you are writing this persons Biography. They tell you details on whats going on via paragraphs, emoji’s and SMS gifs. I play along and chat it up, but for some intuitive reason, closing off a text seems trivial. I can’t seem to type in an “ok bye” or “brb”. So, If it gets really elongated, I give them a call to finish the remainder of the conversation and go straight to voicemail and a text saying “busy, text me”.

Miami Text Game: Group Texts

This is what occurs when I get too social via texting. I get aggregated to a Group Chat via WhatsApp, or Facebook messanger of some sorts while people ding and buzz up the phone until not only the battery wears down, but also my will to catch up to the conversation. Just throw in the towel and remove myself from the chat.


This one isn’t so bad. I’ve been getting accustomed to using this handy app and it’s a good alternative to broadcast your messaging in a passive way. I like being able to have a choice of whether I read your message. There’s also a few cool options to it. Althoug, I never really understood why people send me a personal Snap that already included in your Snapstory.

Below is our Snapcode for Miami Comedy. Check it out.

We snappin…hit us up. ???????? #Miami #miamicomedy #miamisnapback #miamisnapchat #snapchatmiami #snapchat

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